FNDP Pilot The Strategy Group pilot a series of funded development projects (FNDPs) that support teachers' work to develop citizenship education or education for active citizenship in their schools. Teachers from across the five nations are invited to apply.
The projects started during the autumn term of 2015 and the teachers attended the Cardiff 2016 conference to share their experiences and findings through short presentations. Each project lead gave a 'poster' presentation to highlight the aims, outcomes and impact of their work. The project work and funding continues each year.
Inspiring, Engaging, Invigorating... We need more classroom practice... Well done! Initial Teacher Educator and CPD Professional, Ireland
FNDPs Following a successful pilot, projects have been funded each year. Find out more about the aims, actions, outcomes and impact of projects funded in 2017-18and 2019.
We have offered funding, courtesy of the Gordon Cook Foundation, for projects that develop links between two or more of the nations involved in the Five Nations Network. After reading through the information below, if you have an idea to discuss or would like to find a partner in another nation please contact us.
Since 2010 a total of sixteen grants of up to £750 each (for direct costs) have been awarded to collaborative projects across the five nations. Initiatives need to meet the following criteria:
1. They should be small-scale, and school- or school/community-based
2. They must involve inter-nation collaboration between at least two countries in the Five Nations Network
3. They should be of an innovative character
4. They should build on existing links and projects to support transfer of ideas to other jurisdictions
Projects will be evaluated by the Five Nations Network Strategy and a shortlist of recommendations submitted to the trustees of the Gordon Cook Foundation for their final decision. Any member of the Strategy Group who is involved in submitting a project proposal will declare an interest. All decisions will be final and no further correspondence can be entered into.
Projects need to be completed within 18 months from the agreed start date. A report must be submitted as a legacy for the Five Nations Network. These will be published on the Five Nations website in order to build a body of readily accessible shared knowledge.